---- Can Link to the Server over Network O.K. ^0 file(s) in list The message body was not loaded because there is not enough memory available Kilobyte(s) And THEN IF Priority: Apply Rule to: Original Fax Level: Where How CommuniGate: New message from ^0. Select the CommuniGate Server computer Trash Options Print Options Send Options Text Options Reply Options Notification Address Selector Error Code = ^0 Problem On $t GMT $n wrote: Forwarded by "^0" Page ^0^2 of ^1 The CommuniGate Server is too old to work with your client software. Please upgrade the Server. The CommuniGate Server requires a newer version of the client software. Please upgrade CommuniGator. Cannot create and/or open “^0”. Error code = ^1 The server computer allowed you to connect, but your name is unknown to the CommuniGate Server. Your name is unknown to the CommuniGate Server. The server has been unexpectedly disconnected. Out Box In Box All Messages Re: Fwd: Standard Fine Resolution: Size ???? Route Errs Path Reply RCPT SentBy Bcc Cc +14153837461 Cc: other address other address other address To: other address other address other address Your company name here Your fax Station ID here This is a test subject text. This is a test subject text. This is a test subject text. This is a test subject text. This is a test subject text. This is a test subject text. This is a test subject text. This is a test subject text. Secondary Name Addressee Name Sent Fax Cover Page: Save Log As: Save Letter As: Save Attachment As: Sent on ^0 at ^1. In queue. The message is being transferred. Suspended till ^0 ^1 after ^2 attempt(s). Delayed till ^0 ^1 after ^2 attempt(s). Delivered on ^0 at ^1. Successfully sent on ^2 attempt(s) on ^0 at ^1. Delivery failed after ^2 attempt(s). Last attempt was on ^0 at ^1. Priority Status Address Page: MIME Mode Attachments Encoding Internet Character Set Supplementary Addresses Additional RFC Fields RFC Header Note Server Documents Attachments Return Receipt Date Recipients Recipients: Subject: From: Subject From ^0⌥⌥⌥ ^1 Create ^0 as: ^0 Selection Server Document User Rule “^0” User Rule Station Rule “^0” Station Rule MIME Mode “^0” MIME Mode Attachments Encoding “^0” Attachments Encoding Character Set “^0” Character Set Log “^0” Log Table “^0” Table User “^0” User Sound Voice System “^0” Voice System Cover Page “^0” Fax Cover Page ^0 Queue About CommuniGate Settings… ^0 Monitor Mail for ^0 Failed to work with ^0: ^1 For support, email to support@stalker.com. For licenses, call 800 262 4722